Nelson is one of the largest Primary schools in the country. We have 4 classes for each year group as well as two part time nursery classes and a total roll of approximately 892. The school has Resourced Provision for 14 pupils with Developmental Language Disorder/or Speech Disorders who are completely integrated into the life of the school.
These children have the same access to the curriculum and opportunities as every pupil in the school. Our pupils have culturally and socially diverse backgrounds. 71% of our children have English as a second or even third language. Approximately 40 languages are spoken in our school with the main languages being Tamil, Bengali and Urdu.
The three storey main building dates from 1901 and there have been additions of a foundation stage wing and a community room. Our dining room, which was completed in November 2011 is used for the benefit of the community as well as its main dining function providing all our children with a free school lunch.
School Day
8.40am – Doors open
8.50 am – Doors close, registration
3.15pm – End of the day
Total time in school: 32 hours 5 minutes per week.
New Vision Trust
Nelson Primary School became part of a multi academy trust (MAT) on 1st March 2018, joining with three other schools: Elmhurst Primary School, Vicarage Primary School and Gallions Primary School.